Tuesday, February 18, 2014


This entry marks my first done in a blog format, so I beg the reader to bear with me as I gain knowledge of the ins and outs of blogging. You would think as much time as I spend on a computer that this would be a format into which I had ventured years ago. I guess I tend to be a voyeur and read the blogs of others, rather than write one in my own right.

I am starting this blog for me and for you. This will serve to document my search for my mother's family. It will also serve as a source for up-to-date information for family members, a source for teaching and knowledge for those using DNA in genealogical research as well as other genealogical techniques, and perhaps just a source of entertainment for the curious.

So then, let the ride begin...


  1. Welcome to genealogy blogging, Michael. Love the title!!

  2. Hi Michael! I would love to share your blog on mine and link to yours. Just wanted to check first. Thanks so much!

  3. Here I am at the very beginning so that I can catch up :)

  4. Just found you through the Armchair Genealogist and I too am starting from the beginning.

  5. Heard about this on Michele's blog. Looking forward to getting caught up.

  6. Wow! I was just having a conversation with a possible cousin about DNA tests. Welcome to geneablogging Michael, I love it. Great choice of name for your blog.

  7. Hi Michael, just getting back to my blog, and fell into yours. I can't wait to read through them all. I'm just getting started in my German research. I have two families to search for - Adams and Noetzel/Ghensheit. Hoping to learn something to help me learn the ins and outs of German research as well as enjoy the stories. If you're curious, my blog is http://RoyalGenealogist.blogspot.com I would welcome your comments and suggestions.

  8. Your name drew me to investigate further because I am researching in IN. Also I have had my DNA report but I haven't used much of the info yet. Looking forward to following your blog and learning more.

  9. Hey, I stumbled over here from the Legal Genealogist blog. Looking forward to reading your story during my coffee breaks! :)

  10. I also am following the recommendation from the Legal Genealogist to check out your blog. I am particularly interested in your research as I have family roots in the South Bend, Goshen and Plymouth Indiana area. Thanks for sharing your journey!

  11. Read this tonight following the recommendation from the Legal Genealogist.

  12. Here I am starting at the beginning; therefore, I have lots to catch up.

  13. Starting at the beginning....I'm hoping to soak up your knowledge and parallel your success :)

  14. Just over three years after your first post I am beginning to read your journey. I am hoping in that three years you've gotten the answers you started out seeking and not too many surprises. Although as a family genealogist myself it is usually fun if one or two sneak in.

  15. Re your blog: Jacqui Stevens said on her blog Family Tapestry: "has been a whopper of a story best appreciated from its beginning"
    So here I am at the beginning and ready to read (and learn).

  16. Hi Michael,
    I met you at the Jamboree in Southern California last week.
    You are a fascinating speaker and person. Every time I asked you a question I got the same response, "You have to read my blog". So here I am plunging into what will be my first blog experience...ever.
    Doug Daniels
